
Friday Find | Giovanni Rana Fresh Pastas & Sauces

by Lizzy 25 October 2013 Friday Find

It’s not fair; Italy has all the best food – chocolate, cheese, olive oil, truffles, and pasta. That is, until last year. Giovanni Rana, long renowned for his fresh pastas in Italy, opened his first state-of-the-art factory in the U.S. Take that Italy! 

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Truffle Couscous

by Lizzy 23 October 2013 Food

Last week I mentioned there are times I’m too busy to cook every night. However, I do enjoy a home cooked meal even if I don’t make it myself. Then there are dishes that are so easy to throw together I have no excuse but to spend the few minutes preparing them instead of the alternative…a […]

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Saffron Orzo | Teaching Papi Series

by Lizzy 16 October 2013 Food

You’ve likely heard of Rachael Ray, and you probably have an opinion about her. I know I did, and I admit it changed over the three years in which I taught my husband how to cook. My husband, who I affectionately refer to as Papi, is a native Colombian. He didn’t grow up cooking like I did, and […]

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