
Teaching Papi | 5 Tips on How to Read a Recipe: Domino Potatoes

by Lizzy 18 December 2013 Food

My Esposito has come a long way in his cooking, and as I mentioned previously he can now cook a lot of dishes on his own. Because we are both the eldest children in our families we’re used to being the boss and that leads to ignoring my instructions in the kitchen sometimes. While I […]

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Rosemary Roasted Potatoes

by Lizzy 20 November 2013 Food

I was Irish in another life. Either that or there’s some Irish blood in my lineage my family’s unaware exists. I say that because I’ve always preferred potatoes to any other starch. Now that might not seem earth shattering, but as a Puerto Rican I risk having my heritage stripped away for favoring potatoes in […]

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Tangy Potato Salad

by Lizzy 17 July 2013 Food

 I’ve mentioned before potatoes are my favorite starch, but I don’t think I’ve expressed how much I love them. I could eat them here or there. I could eat them anywhere. I could at them in a car. I could eat them at a bar. You get the idea.

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