Friday Find | Truffle Butter

by Lizzy on August 2, 2013

Italian Black Truffle Butter

You know that annoying person in the store aisle that rummages through every single item on the shelf when all you want to do is reach for one little thing, but they’re in your way? That’s me in the housewares aisle at Marshall’s, TJMaxx and HomeGoods. I love to systematically scavenge through all the food items, organizing products along the way, lest I overlook something invaluable, to find gems like truffle butter.

On a recent trip to HomeGoods, I discovered Italian black truffle butter for $4! It was misplaced on a random shelf behind a standing plate. See, that’s why I have a system.

After stashing away the little jar months ago for a special dish or occasion, I decided it had sat in my cupboard long enough. I tried it on truffle popcorn, but I have truffle salt for that. Even better was couscous. Wow, did this transform an ordinary dish into spectacular!

Now I’m hooked, but the product I bought was barely over an ounce. While truffle is pungent so only a little is needed, I want more. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find this particular brand for sale online and because truffles are expensive, I never buy them thus homemade compound butter is out of the question. However, I found numerous alternatives with comparable prices per ounce to what I paid.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried truffle butter and what you’ve used it for. I can never have too many truffle recipes.

Additional resources for truffle butter:

  1. Epicurean Black Truffle Butter
  2. D’Artagnan Black Truffle Butter
  3. White Truffle Butter.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Best Truffle Butter June 13, 2014 at 6:36 am

Yes, truffles are indeed expensive. But the flavour it adds to our ordinary dishes is priceless!


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